Source: core/base.js

/*! base.js */

var utils = require('./utils');

function inherit(parent) {

   * KagoDB class constructor.
   * @class KagoDB
   * @param {Object} options - option parameters for the instance
   * @returns {KagoDB} an instance
   * @example
   * var collection = new KagoDB(options);
   * var collection2 = KagoDB(options); // same as above

  // note that the below doesn't call super classes' constructors.

  function child(options) {
    if (!(this instanceof child)) return new child(options);

  utils.inherits(child, parent);

  child.settings = utils.clone(parent.settings);

   * This is a shortcut to access modules bundled.
   * @member {Object} KagoDB.bundle
   * @example
   * var utils = KagoDB.bundle.utils;

  /** This is a shortcut to access modules bundled.
   * @member {Object} KagoDB.prototype.bundle
   * @example
   * var collection = new KagoDB(opts);
   * var utils = collection.bundle.utils;

  child.prototype.bundle = child.bundle = utils.clone(parent.bundle || {});

   * This applies a mixin object which exports instance methods.
   * @method KagoDB.mixin
   * @param {Object|Function} mixin - mixin object or mixin function which returns mixin object
   * @returns this class itself for method chaining
   * @example
   * var MyKago = KagoDB.inherit();
   * var MyMixin = {
   *   mymethod: function() {}
   * };
   * MyKago.use(MyMixin);
   * var collection = new MyKago();
  child.mixin = function(mixin) {
    _mixin(child.prototype, mixin);
    return child;

   * This generates a sub class which inherits KagoDB class or its descendant.
   * @method KagoDB.inherit
   * @param {Object} options - default option parameters for the child class
   * @returns a sub class
   * @example
   * var MyKago = KagoDB.inherit();
   * MyKago.mixin(somemixin()); // load some mixin
   * MyKago.set('foo', 'bar');  // define default value
   * var collection = new MyKago();
  child.inherit = function() {
    var grandchild = inherit(child);
    if (arguments.length) {
      grandchild.set.apply(grandchild, arguments);
    return grandchild;

   * This gets a default parameter value for the class.
   * @method KagoDB.get
   * @param {String} key - parameter name
   * @returns parameter value
   * @example
   * var MyKago = KagoDB.inherit();
   * MyKago.set('foo', 'bar');
   * var foo1 = MyKago.get('foo'); // => bar
   * var collection = new MyKago();
   * var foo2 = collection.get('foo'); // => bar
  child.get = function(key) {
    var opts = child.settings || (child.settings = {});
    return opts[key];

   * This sets a default parameter value for the class.
   * @method KagoDB.set
   * @param {String|Object} key - parameter name or a parameters object
   * @param {any} [val] - new value
   * @returns this class itself for method chaining
   * @example
   * var MyKago = KagoDB.inherit();
   * MyKago.set('path', 'data');
   * MyKago.set({'storage': 'yaml'});
  child.set = function(key, val) {
    var opts = child.settings || (child.settings = {});
    var len = arguments.length;
    if (len == 2 && key) {
      opts[key] = val;
    } else if (len == 1 && 'object' == typeof key) {
      var args = key;
      for (key in args) {
        opts[key] = args[key];
    } else if (len > 1 || 'undefined' != typeof key) {
      throw new Error('invalid set(' + key + ', ' + val + ')');
    return child;

  return child;

function KagoDB() {}

 * This gets a parameter value for the instance parameters.
 * @method KagoDB.prototype.get
 * @param {String} key - parameter name
 * @returns parameter value
 * @example
 * var collection = new KagoDB({path: 'data'});
 * var path = collection.get('path');
KagoDB.prototype.get = function(key) {
  var opts = this.settings || (this.settings = {});
  return opts[key];

 * This sets a parameter value for the instance parameters.
 * @method KagoDB.prototype.set
 * @param {String|Object} key - parameter name or a parameters object
 * @param {any} [val] - new parameter value
 * @returns {KagoDB} this instance itself for method chaining
 * @example
 * var collection = new KagoDB();
 * collection.set('path', 'data');
 * collection.set({'storage': 'yaml'});
KagoDB.prototype.set = function(key, val) {
  var opts = this.settings || (this.settings = {});
  var len = arguments.length;
  if (len == 2 && key) {
    opts[key] = val;
  } else if (len == 1 && 'object' == typeof key) {
    var args = key;
    for (key in args) {
      opts[key] = args[key];
  } else if (len > 1 || 'undefined' != typeof key) {
    throw new Error('invalid set(' + key + ', ' + val + ')');
  return this;

KagoDB.prototype.mixin = function(mixin) {
  _mixin(this, mixin);
  return this;

function _mixin(target, mixin) {
  if ('function' == typeof mixin) {
    mixin =;
    if (mixin) {
      _mixin(target, mixin);
  } else if ('object' == typeof mixin) {
    for (var key in mixin) {
      target[key] = mixin[key];
  } else {
    throw new Error('invalid mixin(' + mixin + ')');

module.exports = inherit(KagoDB);